Explaining Cosmic Ordering and the Law of Attraction

Many of you will have already come across the DVD or book of ‘The Secret’, or the work of Abraham-Hicks. Possibly you’ve read some Barbel Mohr or heard Noel Edmonds say how he managed to create a new prime-time TV show for himself, through Cosmic Ordering. There are ‘Law of Attraction’ and ‘Cosmic Ordering’ books by Jonathan Cainer, Andronicos Andronicou, Stephen Richards and many more authors out there, each having their own slant on the process and their own ideas about how it works and how it can help you to achieve the life of your dreams.

For those of you lost in the tangle of different authors and views, and for those of you who don’t yet know anything about Cosmic Ordering or the Law of Attraction, this article will give you a brief introduction and set you on the path to realising your own dreams and goals.

So what are ‘Cosmic Ordering’, and the ‘Law of Attraction’? What is ‘The Secret’, and how can using these help you to achieve the life of your dreams?

It’s easiest to begin with the ‘science’, as that will give us some evidence to back up some of the fantastic claims made for Cosmic Ordering. Put simply, scientists now know that everything in our Universe is made up of pure energy. That includes you and me, all of our goods and possessions, nature, the Universe and everything. And according to the Law of Vibration, nothing rests. So everything in the Universe, including us humans, is made up of energy vibrating at different rates. The higher the rate of vibration the finer the outcome, so the energy which makes up our thoughts for instance, is vibrating at a very high rate and cannot be seen. The energy which makes up our bodies vibrates more slowly, is much denser, and can be seen and felt. If you were to look at anything that you now perceive to be ‘solid’ under a microscope, you would find that at finer and finer levels, what appears to be solid to the naked eye is nothing more than pure, vibrating energy. And all of this energy is magnetic, attracting like things to it. Hence the ‘Law of Attraction’.

Quantum physicists tell us that the whole Universe and everything in it was first created by a thought, which confirms what many personal development teachers (Louise Hay, Shakti Gawain etc.) have told us, when they said that our thoughts create our lives. This is not mere ‘positive thinking’; this statement has now been proved beyond doubt. And, as we now know, our thoughts are nothing but energy, vibrating at a certain rate, which ‘attracts’ into our lives whatever we think about often, or expect to have happen. I had always believed that our thoughts do create our lives, but had difficulty (as I’m sure many of you do) believing that all these good things could happen for me. Now I’ve discovered the Law of Attraction, I realise that having good things in your life doesn’t depend on who you are, how well educated you are, or how much good you may or may not have done in this life, or a even previous one. The Law of Attraction is just that, a Law. Nothing more, nothing less. Just like the Law of Gravity, and other Laws, it governs everyone and everything, not just the favoured few. If you fell out of a window, you’d hit the ground, if I fell out of a window, I’d hit the ground. The Law of Gravity doesn’t discriminate. Neither does the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction doesn’t have anything to do with organised religion either. It doesn’t matter what you believe in (or not) the Law works for you. ‘The Secret’ likens the Universe to a genie who constantly says, “Your wish is my command.” Neale Donald Walsch in the ‘Conversations with God’ books calls it God, or The Creator. It doesn’t matter what you call it, or what religious background you come from the principle is the same. Out there is an energy or being greater than us and of whom we are a part (I like to use the term ‘the Universe’.) And what we put out with our thoughts and expectations is attracted into our lives, courtesy of that Universe, genie or God.

However, if it’s true that we always get what we ask for and/or expect, why doesn’t it seem to work every time? Sometimes, we put out what we believe are the right thoughts to bring us what we want and it doesn’t happen. Why? Usually this is because we’re focusing on what we ‘don’t’ want rather than what we do want. Remember, the Universe will just rush to fulfil our thoughts and expectations, whether they are what we actually want or not. If your ‘order’ has ‘don’t’ or ‘not’ in it, rephrase it to say the opposite. For example ‘I don’t want this bad back’ would become ‘I order a healthy back’. In the first statement, you are focusing on the bad back, which is what the Universe will send you. In the second statement you are focusing on a healthy back, which is what you actually want. There are a lot of different ways to make your ‘order.’

There will be another article soon, detailing the process I use, but in the short term, I would suggest that you simply ask. However, don’t make a ‘wish’, instead just say ‘I order’. Affirmations can work very well in other circumstances, but in regard to Cosmic Ordering, how can we truly believe we’ve already acquired our new whatever when we can clearly see that it isn’t in our life yet? We would then be putting out doubts, which is exactly what the Universe would give us (more of the same.) So instead we place our ‘order’ just as we would if we were ordering from a catalogue (which, after all, is exactly what we’re doing.) So we would say ‘I now order a new pink phone’ (or whatever) and take the view that once the order is in place, it is already on its way.

And we should be very careful of what we wish for. The Universe gives without condition. For example, a friend of mine who had just returned from holiday was wishing that she could recapture the feelings she had while she was away. Presumably she was thinking about enjoyment, happiness and the like, but she didn’t say this, and was surprised when the Universe complied with her request via a very unsettled stomach. Yes, she had an unsettled stomach while she was away.

And we should also be aware of the principle of ‘do unto others’. Whatever, (and I mean whatever) we put out will come back to us, so it makes sense to send out only kind, loving thoughts and orders which will not harm another. My favourite way of asking for my ‘orders’ is to ask for them to come “In wonderful ways and for the benefit of all.” And never place an ‘order’ on behalf of someone else unless you have their permission, even if you think it’s for their own good. No one person can know what is for another person’s ‘own good’.

Once our order has been sent all we need to do is sit back and wait for it to be fulfilled, yes? Well, not quite. The Universe will send our order but not necessarily in the form of a miracle. Usually it will do it through an intermediary and we need to be aware of the subtle signs and hunches that will guide us towards our order. For instance, if you are ‘ordering’ a new job and feel guided to go to a certain place, read a certain paper, or call a certain person, then do it. This is the Universe guiding you through your hunches and feelings towards the fulfilment of your order.

When you begin, it’s best to start small. If you ask for small things and prove that the system works, you’ll be much more confident when it comes to the big things you want. And if you’re still having doubts about whether the process will work for you, why not ‘order’ some confidence? You can order much more than just ‘stuff’ from the Universe, you know!

Last but not least, the most important thing we can do is to show gratitude, not only for a fulfilled order, but also for the things we already have in our lives. Some of them may not be exactly what we would wish for in an ideal world, but to make changes we need to first accept what we already have and then move on from there. Learn to love what is already in your life. Expressing love for your world will attract even more things for you to love. It’s the Law of Attraction. And it works!

About the Author:
Yvonne Green is an Alternative Therapist and Workshop Leader. She runs Meditation Groups and Personal Development Workshops from her home in Beverley, East Yorkshire as well as giving Personal Coaching and Reiki treatments and attunements. For information on Meditation, Reiki, and lots more, visit her web site at The Rainbow Centre. For spiritual, inspirational and motivational chat, visit The Rainbow Centre Forum
Article Source: Articlesbase

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